Learn How To Launch Profitable Ads Step By Step With Ads By Number!

Everything You’re Getting Today With Today’s Offer

  • The Complete Ads By Number Training
  • Bonus: Companion Workbook to help you make continuous progress on your Ads By Number Training
  • Bonus: Website Essentials
  • Bonus: List Essentials
  • Bonus: Funnel Essentials
  • Bonus: How To Write Ads With AI
  • Bonus: How to Create Video Ads with AI
  • Bonus: End-To-End Campaign Creation & Management Case Study

Ads By Number Will Show You How To…

Create and manage profitable ads on Facebook & Instagram to build your email list and make sales on autopilot

Create an irresistible offer that is extremely likely to make sales

Leverage AI to watch your ads 24 hours a day and automatically turn off your losers so that you never waste a penny on bad ads

Implement your pixel and all the other tech that’s needed to run Facebook ads the right way in 2023

Set up your your Facebook & Instagram Account so that you are ready to run ads as a business

Target the right kind of people to show your ads to so that every dollar is spent effectively

Engage AI to automatically scale your winning ads so that your most profitable campaigns continue growing your income

Remain compliant to the strict regulations and rules of the road so that your account is always safe and happy

The 6-Step Ads By Number Framework

Step 1: Prepare

The first step is called “Prepare.” This happens before you ever launch into the Facebook Platform.
The goal of this step is to make sure you have the offer, the funnel, and the mindset required to be successful.

And if you find anything is missing, I show you exactly how to tackle any gaps so that your ads have the best chance of being profitable on Day 1.

Step 2: Setup

Step 2 is called “Setup.” This is the admittedly annoying initial process to set up your business account, Facebook Page, Instagram Profile, and Pixel so that everything works just right when you hit Publish on your first ad.

No one likes the beginning setup portion, so that’s why we knock it out early in Step 2 so that the rest of the course will be filled with the fun, exciting, and profitable stuff!

Step 3: Create

Step 3 is called “Create.” This is the exciting part where we… you guessed it, CREATE our ads!

I’ll be sharing dozens of fill-in-the-blank ad templates that we have run profitably for years, and are proven to be a helpful starting point for any new campaign.

Along with fill-in-the-blank templates, I’ll also show you the new ways I have been writing ads for years: Using Artificial Intelligence. In fact, it has allowed us to launch better ads, faster than ever.

We’ll even dive into creating video ads using AI – which are incredibly powerful and don’t require you to be on camera!

Step 4: Target

Once we have our ads ready to go, it’s time to find the perfect people to show them to!

Get this step right, and you’ll get tons of leads and sales for super cheap 🎉

Get this wrong, and you’ll be waking up to crickets instead of sales 🦗

The good news is that the 5 master audiences I’ll show you how to create will keep things simple and give you a long term strategy you can build on.

Step 5: Launch

Step 5 is called “Launch.” Together we will walk step-by-step and click-by-click through the process of combining everything you’ve learned into your first live ad campaign.

I even show you how to make ads work on budgets as low as $1 per day. I will show you how to launch campaigns without fear of losing money, because step 6 has your back…

Step 6: Automate

Step 6 is called “Automate.” This step took me years to figure out the right way, and it’s absolutely beautiful when you watch it work.

I’ll show you how to take all the emotion, risk, and fear out of running ads.

You’ll learn how to click a few buttons, and turn on little AI robots who will watch your ads every second of every day, keeping you safe. They will turn off any ads that lose you money, and will turn up the ads that are profitable!

You’ll also learn here how to diagnose your entire business to find places that you are leaving money on the table… and more importantly, how to fix them!

How the Course Works

Simple Video & Text Demonstrations

I’ll focus on teaching you 1 thing at a time – no overwhelm, no techno babble.

And no 3+ hour long videos of me droning on!

When video is easier to learn, I’ll include time stamps, closed captions, and written instructions to keep you engaged

Screenshots & Step by Step

No more “What did he say!?” and rewinding constantly. Tech changes a lot, so I’ll provide simple illustrations and screenshots along the way to keep you moving and your finger off the pause button.

Instant Access To The Entire Course

No need to wait – go as fast (or slow) as you want as you build out your advertising campaigns.

Already have your account set up? Skip that step!

Struggling to creating effective audiences? Go through that step as many times as you want.
(pro tip – listening at 0.75x speed can help and definitely makes me sound like a turtle! Win-win! 😉)

There’s no “dripping” content where I make you wait 3 months to get to the good stuff. Get in and find what you need. But be sure to have a solid foundation before you start skipping steps… they’re in there for a good reason

Yes, Ads Can Be Profitable and Fun

These are not income claims, simply a few snapshots of how the strategies in Ads by Number have helped our business and our clients’ businesses.


Bonus #1: Companion Workbook

Use this 40+ page companion guide as you work through the Ads By Number Framework. Studies show that you learn so much better when you add pen to paper vs simply consuming content. By the end of the workbook you’ll be a complete advertising expert!

Bonus #2: Website Essentials

This bonus is for you if you don’t have a website yet, or if you have a site that you’re just not proud of. In right around 1 hour of work together, we will build you a site that you can use for your advertising, online courses, or any other digital product that you’re selling – and the best thing, you’ll be able to do it on an absolute budget!

Bonus #3: List Essentials

I want your ads to be successful, so I NEED to make sure you are building your email list with your ads. So I added List Essentials to your purchase FOR FREE! In this mini course we are going to work through the tech together of setting up your own email list that you can use for free to set up your funnels and make sales!

Bonus #4: Funnel Essentials

Not sure what a funnel is? Or how to set one up? Don’t worry, I’ve got your back! Funnel Essentials will show you how to add “funnel” functionality to your website! Now you’ll be able to measure the traffic coming from your ads, and will be able to optimize them for profit!

Bonus #5: How to Write Ads With AI

Artificial intelligence is all the rage right now – and for good reason! AI allows you to create better content in a fraction of the time… which is good if you know how to use it (and terrifying if you don’t understand it).

So this bonus training will show you exactly how to leverage AI throughout your advertising process:

  • Coming up with ideas for ads
  • Writing the text for your ads
  • Brainstorming great headlines for your landing page
  • Even getting ideas for the freebie and funnel itself!

Bonus #6: Create Video Ads Fast With AI

Some of our longest running video ads… never included Suzi or my face! And they were some of the fastest and easiest ads to make!

Using some really great AI tools that I’ll show you, you’ll learn how to create 3 different and uniquely useful video ads that catch your audience’s eye, build goodwill, and convert like crazy!

Included for free with Ads By Number today

Bonus #7: End-to-end campaign creation & Management case study

Well that’s a mouthful… I’ll work on that! So what’s this bonus? It’s basically me pulling back the curtain as I work on my actual business… spending my actual money… and letting you watch! I’ll record myself:

  • Creating new freebies
  • Building a funnel from scratch
  • Setting up ads (spending our own money)
  • Troubleshooting and montoring performance
  • And talking you through my process as I go

Why would I want to watch you work? Great question! So many courses simply teach, teach, teach, but when it’s time to actually do, something just doesn’t line up. I want to show you both the classroom and the hands on experience that you’ll need to actually get results in your business.

What our Students are Saying

Here’s everything you get when you ENROLL IN ADS BY NUMBER TODAy

Everything you need to create, launch & scale profitable ad campaigns

Complete Ads By Number Course
Learn our 6-step advertising framework to launch profitable ads without risking tons of money or spending all your time behind the keyboard.
Interactive Companion Workbook
40+ pages of exercises and summary to help you stay on track as your complete Ads By Number.
Website Essentials
Build a site that will be great to run ads to with this step by step mini course. No need to over-think the tech – let’s get it done quickly together!
List Essentials
Learn how to set up your email marketing platform on a budget that allows you to build a relationship and a business around your email list!
Funnel Essentials
Build out a funnel on your site that allows you to measure and optimize the performance of your ads super easily!
How to Write Ads With AI
Extra bonus class that shows how to use artificial intelligence step by step through each process of advertising, from ideation, to creation, to management!
Create Video Ads Fast With AI

Using some really great AI tools that I’ll show you, you’ll learn how to create 3 different and uniquely useful video ads that catch your audience’s eye, build goodwill, and convert like crazy!

Ads Management Case Study
Watch me build out an entire funnel and ad campaign from scratch and coach you through my mindset as we tweak it till it’s profitable!
Lifetime Course Access and Updates

You’ll always be able to check in on Ads by Number and take it at your own pace. Enroll now and enjoy the course for life!


Total Value: $6,573

Today’s Price Only:


Frequently Asked Questions

There’s really 2 answers to this question.

The simple answer is that you can start running ads for as little as $1 per day.

The better answer is that you expect to spend small amounts of money in the beginning to test your offers until you find something profitable (I’ll show you exactly how).

Once you find something profitable… you won’t have an ads budget and will instead start to scale your ads automatically to maximize your income.

You get access to each lesson as soon as you complete your purchase! I will continually add new content to the course based on the feedback in the live office hours, and as the advertising world continues to evolve.

Yes! We accept PayPal Pay Later which you can select at checkout, here’s how it works!

You can keep the course access forever!

For group coaching calls, you’ll have access to replays for as long as you are an active member of the coaching calls.

Yes and no. For the best success, you’ll want to have an offer that is proven to be something people willing to buy.

But if you are a brand new beginner, it may still make sense to enroll.

If you believe that you’ll have a product in the next 12-24 months, you’ll get the best price possible for Ads By Number Today

If you don’t have product, I’ll go through the best offers that have worked for us and others to scale quickly with Ads. It’s actually kind of beneficial to start without an offer, so you’ll know exactly what to create.

Yes! All our video lessons are enabled with subtitles for anyone who is hard of hearing or simply likes to read while they are working:

Please note that these captions are auto-generated and there may still be some errors, but in our testing they are EXTREMELY accurate

Yes, we will cover both Facebook and Instagram ads. What’s great is that there isn’t any more work required to put the ads on both platforms!

And most of the systems and psychology you learn in this course will also apply to other platforms like Pinterest and YouTube ads, though we do not cover those specific platforms in the step-by-step tutorials.

Absolutely! We love when our students get started with an Etsy Shop as it is an easy way to dip their toes into the waters of selling online.

Ads by Number can help take that online shop to the next level! The one caveat is that I don’t recommend spending money on ads to send them to Etsy.com… because your competition is there, and you really don’t have much control over the user experience.

But with the bonuses like Website, List, and Funnel Essentials, you’ll be able to create an experience that has a great chance of turning your advertising dollars into profits!
