Do you get stuck thinking what types of printables and small digital products to create? Wish you just had a list of the trending printables by month to make your life so much easier?

Introducing: The Trending Printables Report

In the report you’ll discover the 10 top trending printables for the month. Each trending item has a deep dive analysis and shows the following:

  • Why it’s a good trend for the month
  • High Competition Keywords
  • Related Keywords (great for ideas to bundle products together)
  • Low Competition Keywords with High Volume (fantastic ways to boost SEO or ideas for future products that will rank!)
  • Most popular category to use on Etsy
  • Examples of top printables in this category
  • Popular tags and words to include in your description and title (to rank higher)
  • How much to price for the printable
  • Detailed suggestions to charge higher prices and make bigger profits

Use this detailed report to create printables that have a much higher chance of ranking and selling. Use the tags and popular keywords to boost your SEO and the low competition keywords with high volume as ideas for future products.

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March Trending Printables Report



Trending Printables Report
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